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How Cornish Tin Jewellery is Made: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're a fan of unique and sustainable jewellery, you might have come across Cornish tin jewellery. Cornish jewellery design is known for its creativity and innovative use of materials, and tin is no exception. Tin jewellery is not only beautiful, but it's also eco-friendly and ethically sourced. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how Cornish tin jewellery is made, step-by-step.

Cornish Jewellery Design: Why Tin is a Popular Choice

Tin has a long history in Cornwall, dating back to the Bronze Age. Tin is also an excellent choice for jewellery making because it's easy to work with and has a beautiful, silvery finish that does not tarnish.

Step 1: Sourcing Tin

The first step in making Cornish tin jewellery is to source tin. All the tin mines in Cornwall are now closed, but there are still supplies of tin remaining. There are even supplies of shipwreck tin salvaged from old wrecks. These sources of tin will have already been smelted; smelting involves heating the tin to a high temperature until it melts. This process removes any impurities and ensures that the tin is pure and ready for use.

Step 2: Casting the Tin

Once the tin has been smelted, it's time to shape the molten tin into the desired form. This is typically done through casting, in which the molten tin is poured into a mold made of plaster or sand. Once the tin has cooled and solidified, the mold is broken open to reveal the newly formed piece of tin jewellery.

Step 3: Shaping the Tin

This step involves using traditional jewellery making techniques, such as hammering, and filing. Cornish jewellery designers often incorporate other materials, such as silver, into their designs to create unique and eye-catching pieces.

Step 3: Polishing the Tin

After the tin has been shaped into jewellery, it's time to polish it. This step involves using a polishing cloth or a buffing wheel to give the tin a shiny, lustrous finish. Some designers may also use a special wax to protect the tin and keep it looking its best.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

The final step in making Cornish tin jewellery is finishing. This involves refining the rough edges of the piece, polishing it, and adding any final touches, such as attaching a clasp or setting a gemstone. This custom made bracelet by Sennen Jewellery was made using cast Cornish Tin Xs (Kisses) with custom made Sterling Silver findings.

In conclusion, Cornish tin jewellery is not only beautiful but also holds a special place in the history and heritage of Cornwall. The process of creating each piece of jewellery is intricate and requires a skilled hand to ensure that the final product is of the highest quality. From the sourcing of the tin to the design and creation of the jewellery, every step of the process is carefully executed to ensure that each piece is unique and holds a special meaning. By wearing Cornish tin jewellery, you are not only showcasing a beautiful piece of jewellery but also supporting local businesses. So why not add a piece of Cornish tin jewellery to your collection and wear a piece of history with pride?

Cornish Tin Jewellery FAQs

Is Cornish Tin Jewellery Expensive?

Cornish tin jewellery is often less expensive than other types of jewellery, such as gold or silver jewellery. However, the price will depend on the complexity of the design and the materials used.

Is Tin a Durable Material for Jewellery?

Yes, tin is a durable material for jewellery. It's not as hard as silver or gold, but it's still strong enough to withstand daily wear and tear. It is not hard enough to make into a ring however. The best way to incorporate Tin into a ring is to inlay it in a Silver or Gold band. Both Sennen Jewellery and Kernow Gold possess expertise in this particular process.

Can Cornish Tin Jewellery Be Recycled?

Yes, Cornish tin jewellery can be recycled. Tin is a highly recyclable material, and many designers use recycled tin in their jewellery.

Where Can I Buy Cornish Tin Jewellery?

Cornish tin jewellery is available from a variety of retailers, both online and in brick-and-mortar stores. Look for retailers such as Sennen Jewellery that specialize in Cornish jewellery or eco-friendly jewellery to find the best selection.

Is Cornish Tin Jewellery Hypoallergenic?

Yes, Cornish tin jewellery is hypoallergenic as it doesn't contain nickel, which is a common cause of allergic reactions.

How do I Care for my Cornish Tin Jewellery?

Cornish tin jewellery can be easily cared for by wiping it with a soft cloth and avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures.

What Makes Cornish Tin Jewellery Unique?

Cornish tin jewellery is unique due to its historical significance and connection to Cornwall's mining heritage, as well as the fact that it is handcrafted by skilled artisans.

Is Cornish Tin Jewellery Environmentally Friendly?

Yes, Cornish tin jewelry is environmentally friendly as it is made from a sustainable and locally sourced material and is crafted using traditional techniques that minimize waste. Tin is also a recyclable material.

Would you like to learn more about the history of tin mining in Cornwall? Take a look at this article: Cornwall: The Land of Tin (

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