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Cornish tin pixie on sterling silver belcher chain.
Pixies were the underground spirits of the Cornish tin mines.


The Cornish Pixie, also known as a good luck knocker or spriggan, is a charming figure from Cornish folklore. These small, capricious creatures are often spiteful but not considered altogether unlucky. They inhabit remote areas, particularly around rich veins of tin, where they tap away vigorously. Miners would leave a didjan (morsel) of their croust (lunch) to gain their goodwill. Wearing a Cornish Pixie pendant is a delightful way to carry a touch of magic and folklore with you, celebrating the enchanting spirit of Cornwall's rich cultural heritage.


Width: 15mm Height: 22mm | Chain length: 18 inch (45cm)

Supplied in a satin-lined gift box.
Made by St Justin, Cornwall


Cornish Pixie pendant-tin


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